Bishop Graham Usher: The climate and biodiversity crises facing the planet

Date(s) - 19/01/2022
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm



How the church can lead the way on ecological living
Deanery Briefing: 7.30 pm Wednesday 19 January 2022

Whether city, urban or rural the care of creation is at the heart of the Anglican Communion’s marks of mission. Responding to the climate and biodiversity crises that the planet faces is not a luxury in the ministry of the Church but an urgent imperative for our mission.

The UK hosted the UN climate conference COP26 in November last year and churches are being encouraged to raise their voice to speak up about the need to tackle climate change across the whole of society.

The challenge is for churches, schools, deaneries and dioceses to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. It’s not just about numbers and targets.

  • How do we respond to the challenge?
  • As a Church and as part of the global community what practical steps can we make to influence change?
  • How can we make a difference?

In this Deanery Briefing Bishop Graham will outline the Church of England’s Environment Programme and the tools and resources available to equip churches, schools, and dioceses to rise to the challenge of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

The Bishop of Norwich, Graham Usher

Bishop Graham leads on the Church of England’s Environment Programme with a charge to lead bold, deliberate, collaborative action across the Church to tackle the grave existential crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Bishop Graham began life as an ecologist studying ecological science at the University of Edinburgh and is a keen beekeeper. He was appointed lead bishop on the Environment Programme in June 2021.

He has written about spirituality and landscape in Places of Enchantment, Meeting God in Landscapes, and his second book, The Way Under Our Feet: A Spirituality of Walking

More on Bishop Graham