Mission or Mystery
The 2013 survey of lay chairs painted a picture of dynamic and productive Deaneries most of which take a lead in mission locally and provide a valuable source of support to their parishes. They are though frustrated that, through lack of recognition of the potential, they can't do more.
However, Deaneries can still be a mystery to people. But the survey shows how active many actually are, and that they are doing good, positive work. Deaneries must de-mystified, and the potential unlocked in the interests of achieving the Church's mission. The conference heard from people who are doing and have done this, and discussed with them and others how Deaneries can contribute to the mission and ministry of the church of the future. What goes on in Deaneries is a mystery to some; to others Deaneries are uniquely positioned to play a key role in mission initiatives and driving forward the growth of the Church.
For more material from the conference, see Conference News. |
The Venue: The Hayes Conference Centre

The Hayes is situated in the Amber Valley in the heart of picturesque Derbyshire just 5 miles from Junction 28 of the M1. The Hayes offers a high standard of modern en suite accommodation and state of the art conference facilities. |