Bishop Martin Seeley and The changing shape of Ministry

The new Vision and Strategy is underway but the foundations are already clear: The Church of England must adapt and put its trust in God to become a simpler, humbler, bolder Church that is Jesus Christ centred and Jesus Christ shaped.

  • What will ministry look like in the future?
  • How will it need to adapt?
  • What will it mean for the way we select, train and develop ordained and lay ministers?

With the experiences and the lessons of lockdown, and the unprecedented nature of the last two years, Bishop Martin Seeley looks forward to the ways in which ministry - ordained and lay - is developing for the future.

This will be in the context of the general review of Church strategy being led by the Archbishop of York, of which Bishop Martin is part. Now Bishop of St Eds and Ips (comprising most of Suffolk), Martin is the lead on ministry for the Church, following his previous job as principal of Westcott House theological college and before that a vicar of the Isle of Dogs.

He is an old friend of NDN, having spoken at past conferences. When he was a parish priest in East London he led a review of his own Deanery. The review reflected his continuing belief in the benefits of working together in Deaneries and other groups.

More on Bishop Martin