2020: Deaneries in Action – Getting Things Done CANCELLED

The call to action has never been louder. We’ve done with the talking …. Now is the time for action and getting things done!

There is change all around us. Modern technology and communication are one of the drivers of this change. Climate change and the impact on our environment is another factor. There is a change in the demographics and how we care for an ageing population.

Young people no longer listen to the radio or watch television the way we used to. They communicate via social media and choose what they listen to or watch on demand. They are passionate about how we care for our world.

Our High Streets are facing unprecedented changes in our shopping habits that, if they don’t change, will likely see many of our long-established names shrink or disappear altogether.

The Church is not immune to this change. We have an aging membership that, in the main, continues to worship and minister as it has done in the past. Like the High Streets we need to do things differently if we are to reverse the decline in membership of our worshiping communities. We need to overhaul our approach to engaging with young people.

The challenge for us in our Deaneries is:

  • How can the Deanery be agents for change and Social Justice?
  • How can we, ordained and lay together, develop strategies that will engage with youth and young people.
  • How can we make the most of the opportunities to enable one another to live out the Good News of Jesus in all our life?

Deaneries are ideally placed with a key role respond to the call to action and spearhead, energise and resource Social Action and Youth Evangelism.

With a focus on Social Justice and engaging with youth and young people the 2020 National Deaneries conference will provide practical advice and examples to enable Deaneries to step up to the challenge.

Are you up for the challenge?