About Dr Sarah Holmes

Dr Sarah Holmes
Dr Sarah Holmes

Dr Sarah Holmes has worked at Liverpool Hope University since 2015, teaching Early Childhood Studies and researching children’s faith, spirituality and issues surrounding faith nurture.

She’s worked in a variety of kids, youth and family settings, causing her to embark on a PhD to research how Christian faith may be most effectively nurtured in the home context. Following completion of that in 2018, she continues to be passionate about researching and supporting those nurturing children’s faith; in home/family contexts, local church contexts, para-church contexts and beyond.

Sarah is married with four children who are all wonderful but fantastically different to each other, which brings constant challenges – as well as many joys! She lives on the Wirral, enjoys spending time with family and friends, sitting in the sunshine, watching movies and aspires to be a runner. She also volunteers in her local church in various roles.

Deanery Briefing: The Future of the church? Rethinking the framework of ministry amongst families