After a break the National Deaneries Network is back with a new programme of the popular Deanery Briefings.

The NDN Briefings have become a popular and established series of online briefings, focusing on the key issues of our time, for those with an interest on deaneries.
Looking forward there is once again a varied programme tackling issues based on feedback from the Network.
23 October 2024
The Bereavement Journey – a programme of films and discussion that addresses the range of issues we encounter in bereavement. This Briefing will focus on why and how Deaneries should engage with the programme.
Speaker: Revd Nicky Grey from AtaLoss; providers of the UK's bereavement signposting website.
More details on the Briefing here and to book it's here.
20 November 2024
What’s the point of the Deanery – Where the deanery fits and how it can be effective in the scheme of things.
Speakers: Tug Wilson and Bex Chapman from the NDN
January/February 2025
Supporting and engaging with Mental Health Initiatives – the Deanery’s pivotal role.
Speaker: Rt Revd Jane Steen *
14 May 2025
It’s all about church buildings – from maintenance and funding to exciting alterations and incorporating new uses.
Speakers: TBC from National Church Trust and Churches Conservation Trust *
18 June 2025
Pioneering Parishes - tools for Deaneries to help parishes become more outward looking, engaging with and extending their mission and ministry across the deanery.
Speaker: Revd Greg Bakker *
* Subject to availability of speakers