Serving those who serve

Date(s) - 23/11/2022
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


The Clergy Support Trust in partnership with you and your Deanery

When our vicar or clergy colleagues are not firing on all four cylinders and their ministry begins to suffer, we all feel it. The health and well being of our clergy impacts all of us whether ordained or lay. We all have a role to play to help clergy keep on top of their game.

So how do we enable our clergy brothers and sisters have flourishing and thriving priesthoods?

In this Deanery Briefing Ben Cahill-Nicholls from the Clergy Support Trust – the largest and oldest charity serving Anglican ministers and their families – will outline how the trust can respond and support clergy and their families in times of difficulty when the going gets tough.

During the first ten months of 2022, The Clergy Support Trust has helped record numbers of people – more than 2,100 households, across the UK and Ireland – with everything from car repairs to counselling.

The charity’s new strategy, published recently, promises an exciting expansion of its current work, including a continued focus on the wellbeing of clergy and their families. The Trust’s Chief Executive, Ben Cahill-Nicholls, will outline current and future work – but, more importantly, is keen to listen and learn from Deanery colleagues, so that the Trust can do ever more in service of, and shaped by, those who serve so many others.

Although the Trust’s support is focused on clergy and their families, the Trust is eager to work with partners across Dioceses and Deaneries, and the views of lay leaders across the Church are essential to the flourishing of those clergy the Trust serves.

More on Ben Cahill-Nicholls

Clergy Support Trust




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