National Deaneries Conference 2023 – Deanery Briefing LIVE

Deaneries ; "simpler, humbler, bolder"
What part should Deaneries play?

The Deanery's role in:
Re-Imagining .....   Re-Focusing .....   Re-Connecting ..... Mission and Ministry

The direction is set:  we are aspiring to be Simpler …. Humbler …. and Bolder!

  • A simpler Church, both in governance and structure and in the way we live and share the gospel
  • A humbler Church, recognising our failings and working with others to serve the common good
  • A bolder Church energised and enthused by the good news of what God has done in Jesus Christ and sharing that with everyone.

How can the deaneries respond to the national agenda?

Deanery Briefing LIVE! - the first National Deaneries conference for over four years -

will bring together leaders and experts to tackle head on and delve in deeper with “how to” breakout sessions and workshops addressing key issues to respond to the challenge of the national agenda.